Sunday, November 25, 2012

Space Peeps

The Shutter-Station Triumvirate
Hello again friends and relations! Small info dump along with some concept portraits. For starters, the 1st issue of the comic I've been working on with Stuart Moore is done! (Kind of, just a few wrap-up deets/cover art before it actually goes out.) I am very pleased with the outcome, going to drop a couple additional preview pages in a bit. I'll keep my devotees appraised as to it's pending methods of acquisition.

In other news, here are a few drawings related to my own brain-child comicbook space opera extravaganza: SPACE CREEP. The "Creep", as we appell it here in the office, recently got some attention and could possibly become attached somewhere coool, publication wise. That said, the unfolding saga of finding Creep a home is at best labyrinthine and I'm wholly unsure about the time frame or even the probability of said event's manifestation. Here's hoping. Pray for me.

I do remain strong though, bearing the slings and arrows etc. with an almost Diogenes-esque phlegmatism. I've recently started working on a few of the visual design elements of SpaceCreep issue #2, these drawings being early fruits of my labors. The three people shown are to be some of the primary players in the oncoming first act (at least the first draft of them), a sort of governmental Triumvirate. This of course means nothing to you, but they are still pictures.
Anyways, I'm going to keep the Space Creep stuff coming, so if you're not yet on board, haven't read the cold open (Issue #1) or have no idea what I'm talking about, please comment on this or email me and I'll happily send you the 40 page Iss# 1 (in the PDF version, not the printed unfortunately) free of charge. Be an early adopter. Live free or die.

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