Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Brief Introduction

My name is Gus Storms and this is my blog now. It's another step in my campaign to blitzkrieg Internet with my existence, body and soul, like some terrible, virile tornado. I'm telling you, it'll be crazy: illustration posts, Space Creep concept and updates, drawing of animals I like and much, much more! Whooaaah! Are you still holding on? Good. I also might talk about a book I'm reading from time to time, so get with it and strap the f**k in.

Addendum: Despite the last paragraph's invigoration, I expect this project (blogect?) will end prematurely, resolving in much the same way as that little mistake I made during a particularly randy highschool-drama party. That is to say, quickly and quietly aborted. I have mixed feelings, very much leaning towards the negative, concerning this type of shameless exhibitionism...but what the hell, Jonah friggin' Lehrer does it for the New York Times and everything worked out for him, right? Right?!

Lastly, a very quick, very specific message to anyone who reads/looks at this webpage: You're Amazing. Really great. Your intelligence is only outpaced by your talent and poise. The sheer magnitude of your charisma borders on the profane. Also, you're fantastic looking, I'm talking a perfect ten, and there is really no need to take any more s**t from those suppurating troglodytes that call themselves your friends. Seriously, this is just between you and me...shhh shhh, it's gonna be great.

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